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The OA Seventh Tradition
Our Seventh Tradition states that Overeaters Anonymous “ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” While no fees or dues are required for membership, OA members have a responsibility to keep our rooms open, provide opportunities for fellowship, and spread our message of recovery.
The 7th Tradition of Overeaters Anonymous
Briefly, the 7th Tradition States: Every OA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
Overeaters Anonymous meetings are self supporting through our own contributions neither soliciting nor accepting outside donations.
OA's 7th Tradition reminds each OA member to contribute to the expenses, organization, and operation of our fellowship. We do not accept money or donations from outside sources so that we can keep our focus on our primary purpose, which is to carry the recovery message to compulsive eaters who are still suffering. Most OA members give $1-$5 at each meeting they attend to financially support the fellowship. These contributions are voluntary. There are no fees for membership.
However, many meetings also state that if you are new to OA, no membership fee is requested. In this way, you may better have the funds to purchase the literature.